Dare to Dream Big
There is an ancient belief that dreams predict our future. It is said to be that dreams are gateways to the highest level of existence where time and space has no distinction and everything is omnipresent. Catching a glimpse of what we call the Infinity of Divinity through a dream is that feeling you get when you know that you know that you know with absolute certainty that your life is destined for greatness.
What if the greatest story ever told was a story of your life? Why not?
As I am drifting through life chasing the dream 4.0 grade, the dream job, the dream career, the dream car, the dream pay, the dream wedding, the dream family, and I realized that there is nothing dreamy about a job. There is nothing dreamy about doing something you don’t want to do for a pay you don’t want for the majority of your life and hope that you’ll be happy by the time you retire. The goals I had at the time were goals someone else in this world had already accomplished. Knowing that someone had already lived the life I planned is like being with someone that was married before. It’s tolerable, but it just isn’t as fulfilling. Even if everything worked out perfectly and I achieved all my goals at the end of my life, I still wouldn’t achieve greatness. It wouldn’t be because I’m not capable, its simply because I didn’t think BIG enough.
Greatness can be measured based on the impact on the world you’ve made with your existence. To find out, just ask yourself “Am I just occupying space with my life or am I contributing to the progression of mankind?”
Steve Jobs is widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and at one time fired from his own company.
Henry Ford is known as the founder and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique and mass production and filed for bankruptcy twice before his success of $188 billion in net worth.
I was inspired by so many stories except my own. “Anh, widely recognized as a charismatic employee and was dedicated to doing just enough not to be fired.” That definitely did not inspire me to wake up every morning before my alarm clock. What is your story?
The only difference between where I was and being worth $188 billion was VISION. There is nothing that the greatest minds did that I’m incapable of doing. They just saw things that I couldn’t see. Seeing through your senses is called eyesight. Seeing through your soul is called insight. We all have both eyesight and insight, but which one is in your driver seat and which one is in the passenger seat?
Through all the success stories I’ve read, I’ve never seen anyone “accidently” become successful. So I made the decision to LIVE MY LIFE WITH INTENT. Once my purpose of being became greater than my own being, it felt like it is my duty to serve humanity and make an everlasting impression in the world because I’ve contributed to the progression of mankind in a remarkable way.
Some people spend their entire lives seeking for the answers to the life puzzle from a therapist to hiking the Himalayas but forget to look in the mirror. All the sources to your problems and all the solutions to your problems can be found in a mirror…and here.
It starts today with anhesty.
Make your declaration today to make your contribution to the world through the fulfillment of your own purpose. Become a master of your destiny and not a victim of your history.
Dare to dream BIG. It won’t cost you anything to think bigger than you’re thinking now, but it will cost you a fortune if you don’t.